D.M. Fetisov, O.F. Ivakaev, M.O. Yurkin, K.S. Loshilov


Tourist zoning is of both theoretical and applied significance for managing the regional development and tourism, which is a promising industry in the Jewish Autonomous region. Its recreational development is at a pioneer stage characterized by the lack of comprehensive information on the spatial distribution of recreational resource potential, tourist objects and  tourist zones. The paper presents the results of tourist zoning in the Jewish Autonomous region carried out by the authors on base of the resource principle, i.e. localization of tourist resources in the region. Within the Jewish Autonomous region, there have been identified nine  tourist zones. According to their  infrastructure characteristics and geographical location, they were rated into three groups of the priority, prospective and incidental development. It was defined the type of tourism for each individual zone on the basis of the available resources there.

Ключевые слова

tourism; zoning; region; territorial planning; Jewish Autonomous Region; Russian Far East.


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