A.S. Livenets


Non-standard forms of employment are getting more widespread in the Russian labor market. In the Jewish Autonomous region, however, a standard employment prevail with the population. In this work, the author considers the popularity of non-standard employment in the region using the residents survey data on non-standard employment. They were asked questions about the reasons for choosing a non-standard employment, willingness to receive additional education and skills, develop alternative forms of employment at present, and about their need for assistance from the state. It was found that most residents in the JAR felt like choosing a standard employment as a basic one. The non-standard employment is not that popular in the region, and the respondents choice of non-standard employments is mostly based on their desire to improve material well-being. Basically, the JAR population is inactive and not ready to receive additional education, develop new skills, or start business of their own. In part, this can be explained by the lack of information  about the business assistance centers. Half of the respondents do not know about them, others never use their services; some people do not believe in such centers effectiveness. Only one third of the respondents see good prospects for business development in the region. Most people believe that the state financial support is not sufficient, and the region needs it in the form of preferential loans and tax-free period. 

Ключевые слова

non-standard employment; Jewish Autonomous region; self-employment; business


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