E.S. Lonkina, L.V. Sivak


The Mongolian oak Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. along with the Korean pine, Pinus koraiensis Siebold et Zuss form the ecosystem integrity basis at the Bastak Reserve. The study of these species productivity is important and relevant. Currently, a number of articles have been published on the Korean pine nut productivity in the protected area. However, the information concerning the Mongolian oak yield is available only in the Annals of Nature. This paper presents the assessment data on the Mongolian oak acorns yield as a fodder base for a number of wild animals beingthe nutrition for the Amur tiger. This species productivity monitoring has been carried out at Bastak Nature Reserve since 2015. However, the first acorn harvest was obtained only in 2017. The assessment is made on permanent transects in different areas of the reserve. The research shows that monitoring of the Mongolian oak harvest in the Bastak reserveis carried out irregularly. The productive and lean years alternation trend has not been determined yet, unlike in the Lazovsky Reserve. Perhaps, because of a short monitoring period. The Mongolian oak acorns yield is significantly influenced by the weather conditions, primarily, the absence of rainy days during the flowering period. It is noted that in the absence of Mongolian oak acorns yield there is a good harvest of pine nuts partially compensating the absence of acorns as a nutrition for ungulates. However, maintaining a stable density of ungulates needs certain bio-technical measures, such as feeding grounds.

Ключевые слова

Mongolian oak; acorn; yield; state nature reserve Bastak; Jewish Autonomous region


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