P.S. Van, L.S. Sharaya


Using remote sensing data, the authors have carried out the NDVI assessment of dark coniferous forests in the Lower Amur region. The forests NDVI increases when moving from the northwest and east of the region to its central part, from north to south, and with decreasing altitude. Minimum NDVI values (0.437–0.719) are typical for the northwestern part of the region, maximum (0.743–0.849) – the southern, medium (0.719–0.743) – the eastern, medium and high (0.719–0.768) – the central, high (0.743–0.768) – the western ones.

Ключевые слова

NDVI; dark coniferous forests; Lower Amur region


REFERENCE: Van P.S., Sharaya L.S. NDVI of dark coniferous forests in the Lower Amur Region. Regional’nye problemy, 2024, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 8–12. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2024-27-3-8-12.

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