E.Yu. Likutov


The author continues the studies of the earth surface tectonic distortions relief-forming activity – tectonic movements of an independent type by the example of the so called “krivuns” (embedded bends of a special sub-type), in particular – Korsakov bends on the Amur River, the May Aldanskaya River turning section (near the mouth of the Batomga River), and the Tura River valley in the mountainous area. In Tyumen it is found and considered the river valleys geomorphosystems steady development in the areas of interaction (struggle) of tectonic distortions.

Ключевые слова

tectonic distortions of the Earth surface; interaction; geomorphosystems of river valleys; floodplain; root slope.


REFERENCE: Likutov E.Yu. Areas of the earth surface tectonic distortions interaction (struggle) – geomorphosystems of sustainable development. Regional’nye problemy, 2024, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 51–53. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.31433/2618-9593-2024-27-3-51-53.

Gusev M.N., Likutov E.Yu. Features of the formation of embedded bends in the upper reaches of the Amur River. Geomorfologiya, 1990, no. 4, pp. 63–71. (In Russ.).

Likutov E.Yu. Osobennosti stroeniya i zakonomernosti formirovaniya dolin malykh rek tsentral’noi chasti mezhdurech’ya Zei i Selemdzhi (Features of the structure and patterns of formation of the valleys of small rivers in the central part of the interfluve of the Zeya and Selemdzhi) / AmurKNII FEB RAS. Blagoveshchensk, 1993. 230 p. Dept. in VINITI 04.03.93, no. 531–B93. (In Russ.).

Likutov E.Yu. Manifestation of the action of tectonic distortions of the Earth’s surface in the relief structure of river valleys of various orders, in Gidrologiya i geomorfologiya rechnykh sistem (Hydrology and geomorphology of river systems: Materials and abstracts of the scientific conference.) Irkutsk: IG SB RAS, 1997. P. 55–56. (In Russ.).

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