E.V. Gamerman


This article is devoted to one of the most important and pressing problems of the modern Russian state – economic security. Sanctions, imposed by a number of states due to Russia’s foreign policy activities, have a serious impact on the economic sphere of Russia in general and on the Far East in particular. The paper examines the political aspects of this problem, including the reaction to sanctions by the Russian authorities, the search for alternative partners and markets, as well as the impact of sanctions on the economic development of the region. The study includes the analysis of measures taken by the Russian authorities to strengthen the economic security of the Far East in the context of sanctions, such as stimulating domestic production, developing interregional cooperation and searching for new investment opportunities. Attention is also drawn to the importance of political stability and diplomatic efforts to overcome the economic challenges associated with sanctions. The work aims to identify key factors influencing the economic security of the Russian Far East. The work reflects both theoretical aspects, in particular, the theoretical construct «economic security» in the works of Russian researchers, including domestic legal field, and also practical issues – in particular, the sanctions of Japan and the Republic of Korea against Russia and their impact on the Russian Far East. Particular attention is paid to the changes that have occurred within the framework of bilateral interaction with North Korea, as well as the intensification of economic cooperation with China. The author identifies the main reference points in matters of economic security that need to be taken into account when planning and implementing economic policy in a regional context.

Ключевые слова

Economic security; Russian Far East; Sanctions; Japan; China; Republic of Korea; North Korea.


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