Е.A. Erofeeva


To date, the results of studying the species diversity of fungi – basidial macromycetes for five protected areas of the Khabarovsk Territory have been published. 711 species have been recorded in the Bolshekhekhtsirsky Reserve, 245 – in Botchinsky, 133 – in Bureinsky, 367 – in Komsomolsky, and 390 – in Anyui National Park. Rare (protected) species were noted in each of the studied protected areas. An assessment of the degree of knowledge of mycobiots using various approaches showed that if mycological research is continued in any large protected area of the Khabarovsk Territory, there is a significant potential for replenishing the species list and interesting finds, including at the regional and macro regional levels. 

Ключевые слова

basidial macromycetes; biodiversity; Russian Far East; conservation area; Khabarovsk Territory


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