S.D. Schlotgauer


The  projected reserve in the Maya River basin represents typical intact ecosystems of the Western Okhotsk region, consisted of larch, cedar and alder-dwarf communities. Spruce forests are marked by fragments and are interspersed in vegetation along stream valleys and leeward slopes. The basin of the Maya Polovinnaya River is located in the contact area of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka, East Siberian, Ural-Siberian and, to a lesser extent, Manchurian flora. Mountains of the Maisky, Ushkanskyand Atagsky ranges include plant communities of high latitudes (Arctic) and plants circumpolarly distributed in Europe, Asia and North America. The main core of the flora is formed by Okhotsk-Kamchatka plants of Beringian origin and East Siberian plants that arose on the ancient uplift of the Angarid continent. On the one hand, this determines the species diversity, and, on the other hand, it makes many plant communities unstable. Over 45% of taxa are at the limit of their distribution.

Ключевые слова

Maya Polovinnaya; Udskoy Ostrog; biological reserve; flora; rare species


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