К.S. Loshchilov


The value of the Amur goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) as a fauna representative is in its rarity. Special measures for this species preservation includeprohibition of hunting and its inclusion in both the Federal and some other Russian Federation subjects Red Books. However, the time proves the measures insufficient to restore it within its historical habitat, taking into account a strict territoriality of this “red book” species. This situation needs taking additional measures. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the regional state nature reserve “Dichun” suitability for the purpose of the Amur goral reintroduction. The study of this species ecology,  protection and restoration  has been carrying out since 1970s. Methods of trapping individuals, overexposure and transportation of them have been developed and tested for the goral population in Primorie. The analysis of the Amur goral historical habitat in Russia has shown the population subdivision into two loosely related groups – the sea coast and continental (including the Small Khingan mountains). There is no experience in the continental group reintroduction. The article  substantiates the prospects for  the nature reserve “Dichun” use as a landfill for the Amur goral habitat reintroduction. This area in Small Khingan mountains has been under special protection for 60 years. Restoration of the Amur goral population in the north of its historical habitat is of great importance for natural biodiversity and for attraction of tourists to the region.

Ключевые слова

area; Amur goral (Nemorhaedus caudatus); Small Khingan mountains; specially protected natural areas; reintroduction


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