E.V. Ignatenko, Y.S. Ignatenko


The authors presents the results of analysis concerning the weather conditions and water level affect on the invertebrates number in the Zeya Reservoir, noted in the inventory for 2011–2023, on the «experiment» and «control»coastal slope areas.

It is found that rising water levels in reservoirs influence the number of certain taxa from the pedobionts group. The  current year temperature and precipitation have had an evident affect on the number of invertebrates and macrotaxonomic richness and diversity indices (MTD) within the reservoir zone (the «experiment» site). There is a correlation between the MBR indices and those of the current year precipitations in the «living Gilyuya» zone (the «control» area); the influence of other parameters is small. The influence of last year weather conditions has not been identified.

Ключевые слова

invertebrate animals; temperature; precipitation; water level; reservoir.


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