G.P. Skrylnik


Geosystems’ development reflects various forms of space and time. Geosystems, as the main components of the geographic shell, lie on the scale of geographic space and their development proceeds within the framework of geog-
raphic time.

The purpose of the study is to consider all existing categories of space and time, and trace the spatial features and properties of time reflection in the development of geosystems, based on published materials and author's developments on the topic.

When clarifying various aspects within the framework of the chosen topic, the author used the data from his many years research in the Far East and available data from scientific literature.

When analyzing the topic, the author applied methods from a number of crosscutting directions for studying the complex physical-geographical shell (comparative geographical, informational, and paleogeographical), developed by academician K.K. Markov and co-authors.

Geosystems, as hierarchically strictly subordinate natural entities within the geographic shell, show contrasting spatial (both horizontally and vertically) and temporal ordering, causally consistent with the main one (frame).

The levels of stability and plasticity of general HS are not unlimited, because the main reserves, respectively, from geomorphological (due to conservatism) and phytosystems (due to plasticity) are ultimately still limited.

Probably, now they are often at their limit, as evidenced, in particular, by the directed increase in natural conditions, man-made disasters, and in the conditions of anthropogenic «press».

In the modern practice of geographical research, they usually accept space and time as physical categories. At the same time, we consider this problem in a broader sense to reveal other categories of them. In the case of rational nature management, the categories of Time and Space are always moral. Otherwise, its «rational» component disappears and nature management turns into anti-moral.

Ключевые слова

Far East; time; space; physical and moral criteria; rational and irrational nature management.


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