T.I. Trop


Reactions to the pandemic crisis in 20202021 were significantly differentiated in territorial and sector aspects. They had different territorial and segment specifics in bank lending as well. Considering regional Far Eastern banks as an example, the author has made an attempt to define the features of behavior and the role of credit institutions in providing retail lending, including mortgage, to the population of the region during the first and second pandemic «waves» of  2020, therefore, supporting demand in the economy.

Ключевые слова

Russian Far East; regional banks; pandemic; depth of the «wave» (recession).


Aziatsko-Tikhookeanskii Bank – Pokazateli deyatel’nosti za period 1.01.20 po 1.01.22 i ego reiting (Asia-Pacific Bank – Performance indicators for the period 1.01.20 to 1.01.22 and its rating). Available at: https://www.banki.ru/banks/ratings/?BANK_ ID=192833&IS_SHOW_GROUP=0&IS_SHOW_LIABILITIES=0&date1=2021-01-01&date2=2020-01-01 (accessed: 23.04.2022). (In Russ.).

Vostochnyi bank – Pokazateli deyatel’nosti za period 1.01.20 po 1.01.21 i ego reiting (Vostochny Bank – Performance indicators for the period 1.01.20 to 1.01.21 and its rating). Available at: https://www.banki.ru/banks/ratings/?BANK_ID=193284&IS_SHOW_ GROUP=0&IS_SHOW_LIABILITIES=0&date1=2021-01-01&date2=2020-01-01 (accessed: 15.02.2022). (In Russ.).

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